Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (3) Contacts & Buddies (0) Rating Gameaccounts History Ph1sh id: 12121503 created Platform action 27/01/18 22:40h first_login_default 27/01/18 22:40h join_team Halt The Kings (12121438) 28/01/18 13:29h team_kick Halt The Kings (12121438) / by Deleted account (11635790) 28/01/18 13:56h join_team Halt The Kings (12121438) 02/02/18 17:57h join_team Deleted account (12140070) 11/02/18 15:02h team_kick Halt The Kings (12121438) / by Deleted account (11635790) 29/04/18 17:24h join_team CLOUT N9NE (12035574) 03/06/18 15:10h team_kick CLOUT N9NE (12035574) / by Deleted account (9907016) 12/08/18 14:56h join_team Shaiko eats Taco Bell (12732130) 26/08/18 17:30h join_team Monkies Of The Flint!?!?!?!?!? (12582713) 09/09/18 17:48h join_team Deleted account (12809528) 09/09/18 17:51h join_team Deleted account (12531701) 09/09/18 17:52h join_team wrath's money crew (12809546) 09/09/18 17:54h team_kick Monkies Of The Flint!?!?!?!?!? (12582713) / by Rexen. (12278971) 16/09/18 17:25h join_team Silky Durags (12825810) 23/09/18 12:44h team_kick Shaiko eats Taco Bell (12732130) / by Deleted account (11455364) 28/10/18 17:46h register_team Deleted account (12958526) 28/10/18 17:46h register_team Polyester Durags (12958527) 05/01/19 16:47h register_team Deleted account (13153473) 05/01/19 16:47h register_team Deleted account (13153474) 05/01/19 16:47h register_team Deleted account (13153475) 05/01/19 16:47h register_team Deleted account (13153476) 05/01/19 16:47h register_team Deleted account (13153477) 05/01/19 16:51h join_team Charm Hoarders (13119123) 06/01/19 16:27h join_team ThatMFthang (13157454) 10/03/19 14:59h team_kick Charm Hoarders (13119123) / by Yoggah (10541795) 26/05/19 00:26h join_team Charm Hoarders (13119123) 26/05/19 16:19h team_kick wrath's money crew (12809546) / by wrath (9657644) 27/05/19 01:07h join_team It's up to you (13736135) 11/08/19 16:11h join_team O-Block Gang (13980886) 01/09/19 16:04h join_team Deleted account (14082544) 01/09/19 16:08h team_kick Charm Hoarders (13119123) / by Yoggah (10541795) 01/09/19 16:42h leave_team O-Block Gang (13980886) 15/03/20 12:01h join_team Brazilians From the Favela (14126709) 11/04/23 17:26h join_team Parabellum (17634440)