Seezy  id: 12150811
created Platform action
04/02/18 11:57h first_login_default 
04/02/18 12:27h join_team  Deleted account (12150944)
25/02/18 12:08h join_team  LeVaL (12147989)
06/05/18 17:12h team_kick  Deleted account (12150944) / by Deleted account (11291737)
07/10/18 13:36h join_team  Deleted account (12808531)
19/05/19 16:38h team_kick  Deleted account (12808531) / by GodZy (11062170)
14/07/19 14:52h join_team  Deleted account (13784525)
27/12/19 17:06h join_team  CEO of Go4s (14408011)
02/03/20 00:04h join_team  Smokin that Pack (13233572)
02/03/20 21:45h team_kick  Smokin that Pack (13233572) / by Rexevy (11644091)
10/04/23 15:01h join_team  Orbit (17634100)