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xRelowhz--  id: 12389565
created Platform action
07/04/18 08:10h first_login_default 
07/04/18 08:15h join_team  3nTile (12389530)
26/05/18 13:38h join_team  Deleted account (12448206)
26/05/18 14:11h team_kick  Deleted account (12448206) / by Deleted account (12256256)
28/05/18 11:09h join_team  CH1LD_ABUSE (12406356)
29/05/18 12:16h team_kick  CH1LD_ABUSE (12406356) / by Deleted account (12140031)
03/06/18 09:14h join_team  SK1NNY_Esports (12532968)
15/06/18 16:55h register_team  Deleted account (12562840)
15/06/18 16:56h register_team  Deleted account (12562841)
15/06/18 16:56h register_team  Deleted account (12562842)
06/08/18 12:52h join_team  CH1LD_ABUSE (12406356)
06/08/18 12:53h join_team  Deleted account (12284604)
09/08/18 14:31h team_kick  CH1LD_ABUSE (12406356) / by Deleted account (12516925)
02/09/18 05:24h register_team  BananaFreaks (12790322)
02/09/18 05:25h join_team  CH1LD_ABUSE (12406356)
26/01/19 08:48h join_team  Dutch Corps (13181661)
27/01/19 07:22h team_kick  CH1LD_ABUSE (12406356) / by Deleted account (12516925)
10/02/19 07:06h team_kick  Dutch Corps (13181661) / by Amicon-_- (13122652)
17/02/19 08:37h register_team  JeezySquAD (13301775)
10/04/19 13:04h join_team  Deleted account (13576554)
11/04/19 03:37h team_kick  Deleted account (13576554) / by Deleted account (11448331)
14/04/19 08:01h join_team  SPiRiT Esports (13048188)
20/04/19 10:46h join_team  Contract Killers (13584128)
09/06/19 13:56h join_team  Deleted account (13159136)
07/07/19 07:43h join_team  Deleted account (13865404)
07/07/19 14:29h team_kick  Deleted account (13865404) / by Deleted account (12401078)
10/07/19 09:44h register_team  ROCKIN. (13877520)
10/07/19 09:49h register_team  BoostedEsports (13877540)
10/07/19 09:49h register_team  BoostedEsports (13877541)
08/09/19 07:25h join_team  Deleted account (14104022)
08/09/19 08:21h leave_team  Deleted account (14104022)
23/11/19 05:19h join_team  The Super Villains (14193989)
24/11/19 05:42h join_team  Deleted account (13747493)
24/11/19 08:55h team_kick  Deleted account (13747493) / by Deleted account (12820559)
25/11/19 13:09h team_kick  The Super Villains (14193989) / by Deleted account (14101238)
27/11/19 12:48h join_team  The Super Villains 2 (14390556)
25/01/20 14:08h join_team  RedLionsClan (11804543)
15/02/20 08:12h join_team  Deleted account (13747493)
15/02/20 08:13h register_team  K4D (14794574)
15/03/20 07:21h join_team  Genesis Gaming (14756961)
22/03/20 09:20h join_team  LearnToPlay (14999373)
04/04/20 18:59h team_kick  Genesis Gaming (14756961) / by Delta-GEN (12774482)
15/04/20 12:58h join_team  Deleted account (15113999)