JC  id: 12390335
created Platform action
07/04/18 11:07h first_login_default 
07/04/18 13:21h join_team  Sound Of The Silencing (12306003)
12/05/18 12:00h team_kick  Sound Of The Silencing (12306003) / by JerryXD (9246682)
30/12/20 02:51h join_team  Team Nexus (16457699)
30/12/20 07:36h join_roster  for team #16457699 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #23 North Division #218218 by #14062937
12/01/21 02:15h join_roster  for team #16457699 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #24 North Division #218219 by #14062937
20/01/21 11:37h join_roster  for team #16457699 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #25 North Division #219036 by #14062937
26/01/21 10:33h join_roster  for team #16457699 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #26 North Division #219373 by #14062937
30/01/21 09:29h left_roster  for team #16457699 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #26 North Division #219373 by #14062937
30/01/21 09:54h register_team  Deleted account (16549895)
30/01/21 10:16h join_roster  for team #16549895 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #26 North Division #219373
06/02/21 09:12h join_roster  for team #16457699 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #27 North Division #219439 by #9736131
13/03/21 10:27h join_team  Sound Of The Silencing (12306003)
13/03/21 11:07h join_roster  for team #12306003 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #32 North Division #221267 by #12227786
20/03/21 11:35h join_roster  for team #12306003 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #33 North Division #221541 by #12227786
12/12/21 01:03h leave_team  Team Nexus (16457699)