created | Platform | action |
19/05/18 15:51h | first_login_default | |
19/05/18 15:52h | join_team The Underdogs (11529385) | |
10/09/18 22:45h | team_kick The Underdogs (11529385) / by KurtarWTZ (11743144) | |
20/10/18 08:49h | join_team VeNoM Mix Lineup (12187928) | |
10/11/18 08:55h | team_kick VeNoM Mix Lineup (12187928) / by Deleted account (12024386) | |
08/08/19 09:31h | register_team Macchiato Force Gaming (13971122) | |
22/09/19 07:21h | join_team Initium Novum by verios Gaming (14095113) | |
22/01/20 15:43h | team_kick Initium Novum by verios Gaming (14095113) / by Deleted account (10938895) |