Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (1) Contacts & Buddies (0) Rating Gameaccounts History Maks1m id: 12532178 created Platform action 03/06/18 03:05h first_login_default 03/06/18 03:10h register_team Deleted account (12532191) 03/06/18 03:10h register_team Deleted account (12532192) 03/06/18 03:10h register_team Deleted account (12532193) 09/06/18 04:39h team_kick Deleted account (12532192) / by Deleted account (12532956) 09/06/18 07:14h register_team Deleted account (12547739) 30/08/18 11:08h join_team Sound Of The Silencing (12306003) 23/09/18 03:19h join_team Deleted account (12841274) 15/12/18 10:40h team_kick Sound Of The Silencing (12306003) / by JerryXD (9246682) 19/01/19 05:01h register_team Vertex of Ageless (13198347) 19/01/19 05:01h register_team Deleted account (13198348) 11/02/19 19:03h join_team Drop To Zero (13053391) 04/05/19 21:42h join_team XGlacier (13641493) 07/06/19 21:28h join_team Deleted account (13613669) 08/06/19 09:16h join_team Intelligent Hin.iR (13687035) 20/07/19 13:19h join_team Raiden (13906965) 20/07/19 23:13h team_kick Raiden (13906965) / by Deleted account (12772272) 04/04/20 16:03h join_team Deleted account (14812279) 11/08/20 12:16h join_team Lumina (16077127) 21/10/24 15:15h ESL team_kick Intelligent Hin.iR (13687035) / by Daemon (3) 21/10/24 15:15h ESL team_kick Vertex of Ageless (13198347) / by Daemon (3) 21/10/24 15:15h ESL team_kick Lumina (16077127) / by Daemon (3) 21/10/24 15:15h ESL team_kick XGlacier (13641493) / by Daemon (3) 21/10/24 15:15h ESL team_kick Drop To Zero (13053391) / by Daemon (3)