Sushi_Ate- 'Sushi_Ate-PubXs_' PubXs_  id: 12546973
created Platform action
08/06/18 21:09h first_login_default 
08/06/18 21:13h join_team  Vortex Gaming (12540052)
10/06/18 22:35h team_kick  Vortex Gaming (12540052) / by FabioJ- (12283097)
15/02/19 20:20h join_team  Los Choros Del Feco (13054336)
17/02/19 20:56h register_team  Deleted account (13304286)
17/02/19 22:05h register_team  Deleted account (13304379)
05/04/19 13:55h leave_team  Los Choros Del Feco (13054336)
05/04/19 13:55h register_team  Monte Boys EMF (13565153)
01/11/19 04:08h join_league  ESL Play MLB The Show 19 1on1 Fall Cup #5 Qualifier North America
01/11/19 04:12h join_league  ESL Play MLB The Show 19 1on1 Fall Cup #6 Qualifier North America
01/11/19 05:55h register_team  EMF (14268339)
09/11/19 21:04h join_league  ESL Play MLB The Show 19 1on1 Fall Cup #8 Qualifier North America
16/06/20 03:25h join_league  ESL Play MLB The Show 20 (PS4) 1on1 Summer Circuit Qualifier #1 Day 1 North America
06/10/20 00:57h join_league  ESL Play MLB The Show 20 (PS4) 1on1 Fall Circuit Qualifier #5 Day 1 North America