XxMatthewxX23080  id: 12598572
created Platform action
30/06/18 08:44h first_login_default 
17/02/20 15:41h join_team  JiyzaTeam (14779548)
29/02/20 08:01h join_team  Jiyza.Gaming (14851479)
01/03/20 04:32h join_team  Deleted account (14852738)
02/03/20 15:55h register_team  Deleted account (14861896)
12/04/20 14:42h register_team  Mystic R6 (15322767)
13/06/20 08:11h join_team  On The Building (15240047)
13/06/20 08:37h join_team  Toxic blaze (15815624)
11/07/20 06:48h team_kick  On The Building (15240047) / by Deleted account (12075965)