Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (2) Contacts & Buddies (0) Rating Gameaccounts History ShiniVost id: 12618332 created Platform action 07/07/18 10:40h first_login_default 07/07/18 10:41h join_team Deleted account (12024512) 02/03/19 02:22h join_team Deleted account (13199847) 20/03/19 05:42h join_team dummy team 1 (13497232) 28/03/19 12:33h join_team Dogs of God (11866120) 29/03/19 01:28h leave_team dummy team 1 (13497232) 15/04/19 12:02h team_kick Deleted account (12024512) / by Domestos... (11911995) 08/06/19 04:14h join_team Deleted account (12024512) 08/06/19 04:52h leave_team Dogs of God (11866120) 10/06/19 19:13h join_team Deleted account (13786417) 15/07/19 12:10h leave_team Deleted account (13786417) 15/07/19 12:24h register_team Night Nine (13891760) 15/07/19 12:45h join_team Deleted account (13786417) 15/07/19 12:52h team_kick Deleted account (13786417) / by Domestos... (11911995) 17/07/19 10:14h join_team Deleted account (13786417) 27/07/19 08:13h join_team Crimea is ours (13925850) 09/08/19 15:17h team_kick Crimea is ours (13925850) / by Deleted account (13015720) 15/08/19 08:17h join_team Deleted account (14008323) 17/08/19 10:01h join_team Deleted account (13851232) 19/08/19 08:31h join_team AveTeam (14028244) 21/08/19 14:26h team_kick Deleted account (13851232) / by frezyyy-iwnl (12674847) 14/09/19 06:45h team_kick Deleted account (13786417) / by Domestos... (11911995) 28/09/19 23:17h register_team HeroShima (14169375) 02/11/19 11:00h join_team Empower Generation (14266394) 09/01/20 09:03h register_team Deleted account (14554810) 09/01/20 09:03h register_team Evil Inside (14554811)