created | Platform | action |
14/07/18 00:26h | first_login_default | |
14/07/18 20:48h | join_team eVo (12599600) | |
17/11/18 13:00h | join_team Deleted account (13012235) | |
18/11/18 13:03h | join_team The New Gen (13019952) | |
18/11/18 15:52h | leave_league ESL Play Go4R6 (One) North America Cup #140 | |
18/11/18 15:52h | team_kick The New Gen (13019952) / by Daemon (3) | |
18/11/18 15:52h | team_kick Deleted account (13012235) / by Daemon (3) | |
18/11/18 15:52h | team_kick eVo (12599600) / by Daemon (3) | |
03/09/21 18:31h | join_roster for team #17211190 in Rainbow Six: Siege (PS4) Open Series Weekly Qualifier September 2021 #1 North America #230027 |