created | Platform | action |
22/07/18 07:40h | first_login_default | |
22/07/18 08:09h | join_team Sboncen eSports (12504802) | |
06/09/18 05:24h | team_kick Sboncen eSports (12504802) / by Deleted account (9803373) | |
15/09/18 10:17h | join_team Unicorns of Doom Go4it! (11235853) | |
20/09/18 16:10h | join_team Unicorns of Doom (10531257) | |
06/10/18 05:53h | join_team Unicorns of Doom Mixed (11235846) | |
07/10/18 16:17h | join_team Unicorns of Doom (12884731) | |
22/12/18 17:31h | leave_team Unicorns of Doom (12884731) | |
04/01/19 08:46h | join_team DontBullyTheHorse (12735746) | |
15/09/19 08:11h | join_team chip und chap (14104515) | |
11/11/19 12:48h | register_team Gönn Alge! (14322965) | |
09/03/20 13:51h | join_team Deleted account (14452359) | |
23/03/20 13:49h | join_team Deleted account (15010572) |