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MEminEmre  id: 12723084
created Platform action
09/08/18 17:19h first_login_default 
09/08/18 17:20h join_league  ESL Play For Honor (PC) 1on1 Open Cup #12 Global
09/08/18 18:11h register_team  Men Of The Power (12723229)
10/08/18 06:51h join_team  Deleted account (12149012)
15/08/18 07:04h register_team  Deleted account (12738564)
15/08/18 07:09h register_team  Deleted account (12738579)
15/08/18 12:02h join_league  ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
15/08/18 12:03h leave_league  ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
28/08/18 07:05h register_team  Uesugi Shinigami (12777352)
28/08/18 07:17h register_team  Victor Hugo (12777368)