Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (2) Contacts & Buddies (0) Rating Gameaccounts History Rukaii zF id: 12727235 created Platform action 11/08/18 09:12h first_login_default 11/08/18 09:29h join_team Karens of the Caribbean (12611264) 11/08/18 10:52h register_team Deleted account (12727553) 11/08/18 10:52h register_team Deleted account (12727556) 07/09/18 09:13h team_kick Karens of the Caribbean (12611264) / by Countrr (12531894) 29/09/18 09:59h join_team Karens of the Caribbean (12611264) 07/01/19 23:18h team_kick Karens of the Caribbean (12611264) / by Countrr (12531894) 23/02/19 20:34h join_team Obama fried chicken (13125346) 02/03/19 22:52h register_team Deleted account (13401705) 15/03/19 20:43h join_team TTB (13492792) 16/03/19 21:52h leave_team Obama fried chicken (13125346) 18/05/19 21:36h join_team Karens of the Caribbean (12611264) 01/06/19 05:40h register_team Deleted account (13753364) 06/07/19 07:45h join_team Deleted account (13843599) 10/08/19 19:53h join_team NF eSports (13813426) 02/11/19 20:25h join_team Nero Esports (14083787) 02/11/19 20:44h team_kick NF eSports (13813426) / by Deleted account (13068090) 03/11/19 01:02h team_kick Nero Esports (14083787) / by machine (13661972) 03/04/21 09:23h team_kick Karens of the Caribbean (12611264) / by Countrr (12531894)