Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (3) Contacts & Buddies (0) Rating Gameaccounts History Exctendo id: 12770685 created Platform action 26/08/18 04:50h first_login_default 26/08/18 09:37h join_team Arrogance esports (12770325) 30/08/18 14:38h join_team Sh*tters on the west (12764102) 01/09/18 18:38h team_kick Arrogance esports (12770325) / by Deleted account (12734870) 02/12/18 16:49h join_team Deleted account (12989013) 22/12/18 10:55h team_kick Deleted account (12989013) / by Deleted account (12528763) 23/12/18 16:02h join_team Slashers e sports (13119207) 13/01/19 15:51h join_team Run It Back (12999349) 22/01/19 22:02h team_kick Run It Back (12999349) / by Deleted account (10721965) 06/02/19 01:05h join_team Deleted account (12856689) 17/02/19 15:08h join_team Method (12528367) 17/02/19 15:54h team_kick Method (12528367) / by Deleted account (11880032) 17/02/19 16:33h join_team Deleted account (12977970) 21/02/19 23:46h register_team Deleted account (13319765) 21/02/19 23:59h register_team Deleted account (13319801) 22/02/19 14:34h team_kick Deleted account (12856689) / by I fold (13023541) 23/02/19 02:33h join_team Deleted account (13255578) 24/02/19 16:39h join_team Deleted account (13330386) 24/02/19 16:50h team_kick Deleted account (13255578) / by Deleted account (13141838) 07/04/19 16:53h join_team Hanime/Krim Nation (13256089) 18/04/19 20:30h join_team Deleted account (13410474) 23/04/19 11:07h team_kick Hanime/Krim Nation (13256089) / by Deleted account (13037429) 25/05/19 03:02h register_team Deleted account (13733387) 07/06/19 16:12h join_team Deleted account (13720380) 14/07/19 13:59h join_team The Lads (13684135) 29/09/19 03:01h join_team Misfits (13990498) 02/12/19 18:43h team_kick The Lads (13684135) / by iG Fragger (12584964) 20/12/19 18:51h join_team Deleted account (14459027) 15/02/20 23:46h join_team We are Better (13870265) 01/03/20 16:03h team_kick We are Better (13870265) / by Deleted account (11804275) 05/04/20 01:36h team_kick Misfits (13990498) / by Deleted account (13223508) 05/04/20 16:35h join_team Misfits (13990498) 07/04/20 03:53h team_kick Misfits (13990498) / by Deleted account (13223508) 12/04/20 16:08h join_team Nemesis (12934979) 26/04/20 16:04h join_team The Lads (13684135) 04/05/20 02:31h team_kick Nemesis (12934979) / by Shufflr (14350351)