loryitalia  id: 12776129
created Platform action
27/08/18 16:13h first_login_default 
28/08/18 04:53h join_team  TOP GAMING (12775873)
08/06/19 03:58h join_team  Atrax 2.0 (13731648)
15/06/19 06:35h team_kick  Atrax 2.0 (13731648) / by Deleted account (12533983)
24/06/21 16:11h join_roster  for team #16990920 in PS4 Tournaments Call of Duty: Cold War 2on2 July Open Tournament #1 Europe East #226584
28/06/21 06:48h join_roster  for team #16990920 in PS4 Tournaments Call of Duty: Cold War 2on2 July Open Tournament #1 Europe West #226674
28/06/21 06:49h join_roster  for team #16990920 in PS4 Tournaments Call of Duty: Cold War 2on2 July Open Tournament #2 Europe West #226675