TGSook  id: 12805446
created Platform action
08/09/18 13:33h first_login_default 
08/09/18 13:33h join_team  Deleted account (12803969)
01/06/19 23:49h join_team  Deleted account (13740170)
13/06/20 12:39h join_team  TeamEvildoer (14437027)
17/04/21 23:58h join_team  Rapid (16611965)
12/06/21 12:42h join_team  Sound Of The Silencing (12306003)
12/06/21 12:42h join_roster  for team #12306003 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #45 North Division #225323 by #12227786
19/06/21 11:00h join_roster  for team #12306003 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #46 North Division #225522 by #12227786
03/07/21 12:43h join_roster  for team #12306003 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #48 North Division #226055 by #12227786
10/07/21 22:55h join_team  i see you (13658738)
10/07/21 22:56h join_roster  for team #13658738 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #49 North Division #226472 by #12227786
17/07/21 13:02h join_roster  for team #12306003 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #50 North Division #227011 by #12227786
24/07/21 11:14h join_roster  for team #12306003 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #51 North Division #227449 by #12227786
14/08/21 22:27h join_roster  for team #12306003 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #54 North Division #228455 by #12227786
21/08/21 10:13h team_kick  i see you (13658738) / by Taylor.-. (12227786)
04/09/21 12:12h join_team  大麻煩 (17215111)
04/09/21 12:32h join_roster  for team #17215111 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #57 North Division #229085 by #13740179
04/09/21 23:38h left_roster  for team #17215111 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #57 North Division #229085 by #13740179
18/09/21 22:38h join_roster  for team #12306003 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #59 North Division #229811 by #12227786
20/11/21 22:07h join_roster  for team #12306003 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #68 North Division #232083 by #12227786
20/11/21 23:02h left_roster  for team #12306003 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #68 North Division #232083 by #12227786
29/01/22 23:14h join_team  Tsing Shan (16412364)
30/01/22 00:03h join_roster  for team #16412364 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #76 North Division #234411 by #12249716
04/02/22 10:02h join_roster  for team #16412364 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #77 North Division #234620 by #12249716
12/02/22 15:30h join_roster  for team #16412364 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #78 North Division #234923 by #12249716