created | Platform | action |
22/09/18 16:07h | first_login_default | |
22/09/18 16:24h | join_team Site (12022120) | |
29/01/20 23:12h | join_team The Boys (14664625) | |
05/05/20 20:35h | join_team hehe united (14702754) | |
21/08/20 15:39h | join_team Little children of Stonehenge (16108541) | |
31/08/20 17:10h | leave_team Little children of Stonehenge (16108541) | |
31/08/20 17:10h | leave_team Site (12022120) | |
31/08/20 17:11h | leave_team hehe united (14702754) | |
15/09/20 09:12h | leave_team The Boys (14664625) | |
15/09/20 10:45h | join_team Deleted account (16182571) | |
18/09/20 04:32h | leave_team Deleted account (16182571) | |
18/09/20 11:03h | join_team Deleted account (16189350) | |
10/10/20 13:59h | join_team The Boys (14664625) | |
05/01/21 08:01h | join_team Into The Breach (16471594) | |
05/01/21 08:01h | leave_team Deleted account (16189350) | |
05/01/21 08:01h | leave_team The Boys (14664625) | |
12/03/21 14:35h | join_team Deleted account (16655784) | |
12/03/21 14:36h | leave_team Into The Breach (16471594) | |
12/03/21 17:08h | leave_team Deleted account (16655784) | |
14/03/21 14:15h | join_team hehe united (16666588) | |
25/05/21 08:52h | leave_team hehe united (16666588) | |
25/05/21 08:53h | join_team hehe united (14702754) | |
24/06/21 17:42h | join_team Little children of Stonehenge (16108541) |