vinchuk4  id: 12872013
created Platform action
04/10/18 10:04h first_login_default 
04/10/18 10:04h join_team  Deleted account (12654131)
20/10/18 11:47h join_roster  for team #12654131 in Go4PUBG Latin America South Cup #2 #183043 by #12654077
27/10/18 11:47h join_roster  for team #12654131 in Go4PUBG Latin America South Cup #3 #183044 by #10862835
03/11/18 00:33h join_team  Deleted account (12933211)
03/11/18 12:22h join_roster  for team #12933211 in Go4PUBG Latin America South Cup #4 #183045 by #12899838
10/11/18 11:35h join_roster  for team #12933211 in Go4PUBG Latin America South Cup #5 #184042 by #12899838
17/11/18 11:34h join_roster  for team #12933211 in Go4PUBG Latin America South Cup #6 #184044 by #12899838
24/11/18 11:47h join_roster  for team #12933211 in Go4PUBG Latin America South Cup #7 #184045 by #12899838
01/12/18 11:42h join_roster  for team #12933211 in Go4PUBG Latin America South Cup #8 #184841 by #12899838
08/12/18 10:48h join_roster  for team #12933211 in Go4PUBG Latin America South Cup #9 #184842 by #12899838
12/12/18 22:11h join_roster  for team #12933211 in Go4PUBG Latin America South November 2018 Finals #186226 by #12899838
15/12/18 11:34h join_roster  for team #12933211 in Go4PUBG Latin America South Cup #10 #184873 by #12899838
16/12/18 05:23h wanna_join_league  ESL Play LoL 1on1 Best of Jax Cup Latin America South
16/12/18 09:31h join_league  ESL Play LoL 1on1 Best of Jax Cup Latin America South
22/12/18 10:15h join_roster  for team #12933211 in Go4PUBG Latin America South Cup #11 #184874 by #12899838
29/12/18 10:30h join_roster  for team #12933211 in Go4PUBG Latin America South Cup #12 #184875 by #12899838
10/01/19 17:07h join_roster  for team #12933211 in Go4PUBG Latin America South December 2018 Finals #187449 by #12899838
19/02/19 19:34h join_team  Last Group (13310758)
19/02/19 19:44h join_roster  for team #13310758 in ESL LA League PUBG Season 2 Cono Sur Open Qualifier #189714 by #12887555
19/02/19 20:59h left_roster  for team #13310758 in ESL LA League PUBG Season 2 Cono Sur Open Qualifier #189714 by #12887555
19/02/19 21:01h team_kick  Last Group (13310758) / by Log4N (12887555)
20/02/19 13:24h join_team  WachoSky (13313808)
20/02/19 14:50h team_kick  Deleted account (12933211) / by Appofis (12899838)
20/02/19 23:10h join_team  Rebeldes (12871013)
24/02/19 22:56h join_roster  for team #12871013 in ESL LA League PUBG Season 2 Cono Sur Open Qualifier #189714 by #12871008
03/04/19 09:23h join_team  Deleted account (12872245)
03/09/21 00:28h register_team  Jagrid Gaming (17204878)
09/09/21 23:28h join_roster  for team #17204878 in PUBG (PC) Community Challenge Fase 2 2021 - Ronda 1 Latin America #229657
18/09/21 17:00h join_roster  for team #17204878 in PUBG (PC) Community Challenge Fase 2 2021 - Ronda 2 Latin America #229658
07/02/22 21:33h join_team  SLPToTheMoon (17511366)
07/02/22 22:25h join_roster  for team #17511366 in PUBG (PC) Masters Americas Phase 1 Round 1 LATAM #235005 by #17204975
01/07/22 21:56h join_team  Deleted account (17559942)
02/07/22 09:37h join_roster  for team #17559942 in PUBG (PC) Masters Americas Phase 2 Round 1 LATAM #238524 by #12870041