naula  id: 12895374
created Platform action
12/10/18 09:27h first_login_default 
12/10/18 09:32h register_team  Deleted account (12895389)
14/04/19 04:40h join_team  Rivals Esports R6 (13591520)
22/06/19 21:07h join_team  Deleted account (13028885)
28/06/19 22:32h leave_team  Deleted account (13028885)
28/06/19 22:32h leave_team  Rivals Esports R6 (13591520)
04/10/19 23:56h register_team  Deleted account (14182545)
01/05/20 22:28h join_team  NegNaro (15494400)
02/05/20 04:45h register_team  Deleted account (15495506)
09/05/20 20:23h join_team  sM (15576562)
09/05/20 21:36h team_kick  NegNaro (15494400) / by Deleted account (13593141)
19/06/20 22:38h join_team  S7 (15874504)
11/07/20 20:09h team_kick  S7 (15874504) / by Deleted account (15776951)
01/10/20 08:21h register_team  Deleted account (16215359)
01/10/20 11:28h register_team  Deleted account (16215750)
08/10/20 08:02h register_team  Deleted account (16232975)
26/06/21 09:36h leave_team  sM (15576562)
26/06/21 09:36h register_team  The Lords of The Rands (16994655)