SL_Tommas  id: 12902023
created Platform action
14/10/18 12:40h first_login_default 
15/10/18 12:44h join_team  Deleted account (12893594)
17/02/19 06:51h join_team  Deleted account (13129632)
22/02/19 20:07h team_kick  Deleted account (13129632) / by Deleted account (12393650)
06/07/19 06:44h join_team  Deleted account (13129632)
19/02/20 10:46h join_team  Deleted account (14812741)
07/03/20 09:05h join_team  Deleted account (14877099)
24/04/20 17:24h join_team  MERCURIAL GANG (15448603)
25/07/21 00:48h join_roster  for team #17060245 in PS4 Tournaments Call of Duty: Cold War 2on2 July Open Tournament #4 Europe East #226587
25/07/21 23:39h register_team  Vasco da Gama (17062670)
27/07/21 13:44h join_roster  for team #17060245 in PS4 Tournaments Call of Duty: Cold War 2on2 July Open Tournament #4 Europe West #226677