Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (2) Contacts & Buddies (0) Rating Gameaccounts History IIxNotMxrcy-- id: 13150432 created Platform action 05/01/19 04:47h first_login_default 05/01/19 04:49h join_team Deleted account (13150351) 08/01/19 09:44h team_kick Deleted account (13150351) / by Deleted account (12863230) 24/01/19 14:43h join_team MoDz-ClaN (13148779) 27/02/19 15:09h team_kick MoDz-ClaN (13148779) / by Daemon (3) 24/05/19 08:40h join_team PTG (13590037) 25/05/19 05:45h team_kick PTG (13590037) / by Deleted account (13470170) 15/02/20 07:29h join_team Black-Blood (12630994) 15/02/20 07:34h team_kick Black-Blood (12630994) / by Deleted account (11966585) 15/02/20 08:00h join_team Black-Blood (12630994) 31/03/20 14:50h join_team ViiSioN_EsPorTs (14852707) 31/03/20 15:09h leave_team Black-Blood (12630994) 15/04/20 14:20h join_team Deleted account (15334017) 16/04/20 10:40h team_kick Deleted account (15334017) / by ShxtFlavij (12573974) 25/04/20 11:30h join_team Deleted account (15454447) 30/04/20 17:26h join_team Deleted account (13693690) 05/05/20 11:54h leave_team ViiSioN_EsPorTs (14852707) 15/05/20 16:29h join_team GoDs Of DeAtH (15634852) 15/05/20 16:37h team_kick Deleted account (13693690) / by Deleted account (13693673) 14/07/20 16:40h join_team 7-Souls (15988024) 15/07/20 09:22h team_kick 7-Souls (15988024) / by Deleted account (14852672) 19/07/20 10:04h leave_team GoDs Of DeAtH (15634852) 24/07/20 14:00h join_team Black-Blood (12630994) 05/03/21 06:48h join_team _--AllEyesOnWe--_ (16522842) 05/03/21 07:04h leave_team Black-Blood (12630994)