Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (1) Contacts & Buddies (2) Rating Gameaccounts History Rusty.uwu id: 13215317 created Platform action 23/01/19 08:19h first_login_default 23/01/19 08:31h register_team Routes Of Rouges (13215358) 23/01/19 08:41h join_team Routes of Rogues (13215355) 23/05/19 09:59h join_roster for team #13215355 in R6: Siege (PC) 1on1 Open Cup #3 India #194257 01/07/19 12:29h join_team Deleted account (13851773) 04/07/19 13:14h join_roster for team #13851773 in R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Open Cup #5 India #195472 by #11648859 18/02/20 10:22h join_team tHrOw eSpOrTs (14794366) 18/02/20 10:43h join_roster for team #14794366 in R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Open Cup #9 India #206143 by #13215341 19/06/20 10:55h join_team AimLoCk (15871247) 24/06/20 01:45h join_roster for team #15871247 in CS:GO ESL IP 2020 Summer Final #211613 by #11573982 02/07/20 08:47h join_team High Ping Esports (15910954) 22/09/20 12:43h join_roster for team #15910954 in CS:GO ESL IP 2020 Fall Split #214313 by #13746099 02/10/20 07:18h join_roster for team #15910954 in CS:GO ESL IP 2020 Fall Final #214989 by #13746099 31/10/20 10:42h join_team No Mercy Esports (16244896) 08/11/20 08:45h join_team NWA (16302415) 01/05/21 16:43h team_kick NWA (16302415) / by GOD (11648859) 29/05/21 23:39h join_roster for team #15910954 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #36 South Asia #224806 by #13746099 19/06/21 12:52h join_roster for team #15910954 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #39 South Asia #225524 by #13746099 08/12/24 08:53h ESL team_kick AimLoCk (15871247) / by Daemon (3) 08/12/24 08:53h ESL team_kick High Ping Esports (15910954) / by Daemon (3) 08/12/24 08:53h ESL team_kick Routes Of Rouges (13215358) / by Daemon (3) 08/12/24 08:53h ESL team_kick Routes of Rogues (13215355) / by Daemon (3) 08/12/24 08:53h ESL team_kick No Mercy Esports (16244896) / by Daemon (3) 08/12/24 08:53h ESL team_kick tHrOw eSpOrTs (14794366) / by Daemon (3)