created | Platform | action |
24/02/19 16:25h | first_login_default | |
24/02/19 16:27h | join_team Looking For Org (13169307) | |
24/02/19 17:10h | team_kick Looking For Org (13169307) / by Deleted account (10927747) | |
24/02/19 17:14h | register_team Deleted account (13331444) | |
12/07/19 03:17h | register_team Deleted account (13881530) | |
04/08/19 16:32h | join_team Acid Tiger (13953246) | |
04/08/19 17:12h | team_kick Acid Tiger (13953246) / by Deleted account (13930554) | |
20/08/19 15:25h | leave_team Deleted account (13881530) | |
05/09/19 11:52h | register_team Deleted account (14094571) | |
06/10/19 16:28h | join_team Team Solid (12283646) | |
07/10/19 13:17h | register_team Ranked All-Stars eSports (14189699) | |
07/10/19 13:26h | leave_team Team Solid (12283646) | |
03/11/19 16:34h | join_team Good Night (14277121) | |
09/11/19 01:37h | team_kick Good Night (14277121) / by Goat (12481633) | |
16/02/20 15:33h | join_team RR (14408996) | |
23/02/20 15:46h | join_team Mnk???? (14829593) | |
02/03/20 09:15h | leave_team RR (14408996) | |
08/03/20 17:31h | team_kick Mnk???? (14829593) / by Deleted account (13221244) | |
22/03/20 16:09h | join_team Canadians R High (14653027) | |
22/03/20 16:23h | join_team Ram Ranch (14994754) | |
05/04/20 16:16h | join_team Naive Defaults (14761749) | |
05/04/20 16:33h | team_kick Naive Defaults (14761749) / by Deleted account (14505211) | |
05/04/20 16:39h | join_team 24 chromes (14830759) | |
05/04/20 16:41h | team_kick 24 chromes (14830759) / by Deleted account (13246164) | |
05/04/20 16:48h | join_team Hypnotic (15200820) | |
12/04/20 16:58h | leave_team Hypnotic (15200820) | |
12/04/20 16:58h | leave_team Canadians R High (14653027) | |
12/04/20 16:58h | leave_team Ram Ranch (14994754) | |
12/04/20 16:59h | join_team The Tempest E-Sports (14054631) | |
19/04/20 16:47h | leave_team The Tempest E-Sports (14054631) | |
25/04/20 05:37h | join_team Kang Uprise (12582550) | |
26/04/20 16:24h | join_team Laffie Taffie (15424438) | |
03/05/20 15:44h | leave_team Laffie Taffie (15424438) | |
03/05/20 15:44h | leave_team Kang Uprise (12582550) | |
24/05/20 16:14h | join_team Æthr esports (15698921) | |
24/05/20 16:38h | leave_team Æthr esports (15698921) | |
24/05/20 16:41h | join_team Lost legends (15697278) |