Lady c  id: 13352933
created Platform action
27/02/19 23:13h first_login_default 
28/02/19 10:31h join_team  Deleted account (13352969)
06/06/19 19:17h join_team  Deleted account (13624965)
18/09/19 22:38h register_team  Deleted account (14139239)
02/01/20 10:24h join_team  Golden X Bravo (14521681)
15/01/20 15:33h join_team  Golden X - Gamma (14605435)
28/03/20 13:52h join_team  Lady and the Beef Darts (15051757)
30/04/20 21:04h leave_team  Lady and the Beef Darts (15051757)
03/06/20 15:25h join_team  Taco’s for Peace (15754053)
14/07/20 17:32h join_team  Deleted account (15987967)
30/07/20 19:36h team_kick  Deleted account (15987967) / by bbbbb (13357997)
03/09/20 23:06h join_team  Retribution ESL (16146820)
10/04/21 00:35h join_team  Deleted account (16749628)