ZaguePlay  id: 13477919
created Platform action
11/03/19 17:32h first_login_default 
11/03/19 17:33h join_team  McoxGaming (13419454)
05/08/19 22:00h leave_team  McoxGaming (13419454)
05/08/19 22:01h join_team  McoxGaming (13961135)
17/01/20 18:11h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Paladins 1on1 Best of Viktor Cup #52 LATAM
17/01/20 18:20h join_league  ESL Play Paladins 1on1 Best of Viktor Cup #52 LATAM
07/08/20 04:14h join_team  Xtremee (16040295)
26/09/20 20:49h register_team  Interpol Gaming (16207654)
10/10/20 20:05h leave_team  McoxGaming (13961135)