LocknussMonster  id: 13690707
created Platform action
10/05/19 18:00h first_login_default 
10/05/19 18:04h join_team  Procrastibators International (13554865)
03/07/19 12:21h team_kick  Procrastibators International (13554865) / by Deleted account (13340731)
09/07/19 20:40h join_team  Noble Nines Team 2 (13824322)
23/08/19 23:36h join_team  Ki11 Switch (13524546)
15/10/19 11:47h join_team  Galloping Gargoyles (14158044)
16/01/20 21:40h join_team  Tribe Farm Team (14610552)
21/01/20 18:44h join_team  SergMassiveNoob? (14506428)
25/02/20 23:37h join_team  Tribe Hards (14708340)
08/04/20 20:24h join_team  Tribe Hards (15245912)
18/07/20 01:48h join_team  Deleted account (15999442)
27/07/20 20:11h join_team  Sniping Orphans (16025246)
07/08/20 15:02h join_team  Deleted account (16053406)
03/09/20 09:49h join_team  Brute Force (16147529)
04/09/20 07:44h team_kick  Deleted account (16053406) / by Demo (14334762)
04/04/21 21:05h join_team  Volume Zero (16725748)
29/07/21 20:03h join_team  Deleted account (17072445)
02/08/21 16:50h join_team  Volume Zero (17083701)
12/04/22 13:47h register_team  Crash Esports (17532924)
12/04/22 16:43h leave_team  Brute Force (16147529)
12/04/22 16:43h leave_team  Galloping Gargoyles (14158044)
12/04/22 16:43h leave_team  Ki11 Switch (13524546)
12/04/22 16:43h leave_team  Noble Nines Team 2 (13824322)
24/10/22 19:59h join_team  The Night Shift (17603318)
30/04/23 12:40h join_team  50 Shades Of Hog (17638150)