Lord_ShoTguN_  id: 13714173
created Platform action
17/05/19 13:03h first_login_default 
17/05/19 13:06h register_team  Deleted account (13714177)
20/05/19 10:34h join_team  Deleted account (13714076)
25/05/19 08:58h register_team  Deleted account (13734337)
25/05/19 14:29h team_kick  Deleted account (13714076) / by TYV_CyNiCaLxEU (13714072)
25/05/19 14:41h join_team  The Young VLAD {TYV} (12959798)
25/05/19 16:10h join_team  Deleted account (13735139)
08/06/19 09:33h join_team  The Yolks Valves {TYV} (13756610)
19/07/19 16:30h team_kick  The Yolks Valves {TYV} (13756610) / by Deleted account (13780651)
25/04/20 18:00h join_team  AllEyesOn Team (15457791)
25/04/20 18:09h register_team  Deleted account (15457927)
13/10/21 16:19h leave_team  AllEyesOn Team (15457791)
13/10/21 16:19h leave_team  The Young VLAD {TYV} (12959798)
13/10/21 16:19h register_team  Tyv_isback (17303452)