SparkyPotato  id: 13745315
created Platform action
29/05/19 13:28h first_login_default 
29/05/19 13:29h join_team  The Official Phoenix R6 team (13720811)
29/05/19 13:46h join_team  Negativity (13745326)
30/05/19 01:27h register_team  Deleted account (13746104)
21/07/19 16:58h team_kick  The Official Phoenix R6 team (13720811) / by Deleted account (13008232)
25/12/19 05:05h join_team  Deleted account (14257146)
25/12/19 05:05h join_roster  for team #14257146 in R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Open Cup #6 India #203629 by #13529673
28/12/19 06:47h join_team  Deleted account (2977403)
28/12/19 11:18h leave_team  Deleted account (2977403)
03/01/20 09:23h register_team  Deleted account (14527264)
10/01/20 10:29h join_roster  for team #14527264 in R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Open Cup #7 India #203817
10/01/20 23:59h left_roster  for team #14527264 in R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Open Cup #7 India #203817
10/01/20 23:59h join_roster  for team #14527264 in R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Open Cup #7 India #203817
16/01/20 05:53h team_kick  Deleted account (14257146) / by FreSingh (13529673)
14/02/20 11:46h register_team  Brainded Esports (14789086)
22/02/20 01:10h join_roster  for team #14789086 in R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Open Cup #9 India #206143
20/11/21 11:17h join_team  Chicken Gang (17386798)