Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (2) Contacts & Buddies (0) Rating Gameaccounts History Erickson id: 13758724 created Platform action 01/06/19 18:38h first_login_default 13/10/19 12:08h join_team Deleted account (14209141) 12/11/19 03:57h join_team Os Jak’s (14324341) 19/11/19 16:07h join_team Os Jak’s 2.0 (14360854) 20/01/20 09:25h join_team Deleted account (14363942) 28/01/20 18:32h team_kick Deleted account (14363942) / by Silvio (13690848) 28/01/20 19:00h register_team Deleted account (14659693) 23/04/20 06:07h join_team HB e-Sports (15421425) 29/06/20 19:11h register_team Deleted account (15912109) 01/07/20 18:06h register_team Deleted account (15922492) 02/08/20 18:17h register_team Deleted account (16039806) 02/08/20 18:21h register_team Deleted account (16039809) 24/08/20 16:07h join_team Deleted account (13347517) 05/09/20 20:19h team_kick Deleted account (13347517) / by Franz (13305313) 01/04/21 15:13h join_team Deleted account (16705001) 09/04/21 13:46h leave_team HB e-Sports (15421425) 23/04/21 15:58h team_kick Deleted account (16705001) / by MR. RIONE (16178793) 28/05/21 11:49h join_team GENSAN CLASH (16703364) 04/06/21 13:42h join_team GENSAN WAR (16945301) 04/06/21 15:39h team_kick GENSAN CLASH (16703364) / by MR. RIONE (16178793) 18/06/21 11:49h join_team Deleted account (16834657) 24/06/21 12:46h team_kick Deleted account (16834657) / by Tosta Rica (13478196) 20/08/21 14:48h join_roster for team #16945301 in Clash of Clans 5on5 Community Cup #3 August 2021 Latin America #228728 by #16942078 23/08/21 07:19h team_kick GENSAN WAR (16945301) / by NOT (16942078) 24/08/21 18:09h join_team GENSAN CLASH (16703364) 27/08/21 17:25h join_roster for team #16703364 in Clash of Clans 5on5 Community Cup #4 August 2021 Latin America #228729 by #16178793 01/09/21 11:26h join_roster for team #16703364 in Clash of Clans 5on5 Community Cup Final August 2021 Latin America #228730 by #16178793 22/10/21 13:52h team_kick GENSAN CLASH (16703364) / by MR. RIONE (16178793) 24/10/21 11:50h join_team GENSAN CLASH (16703364) 10/12/21 12:57h join_team NGT Legends (17438078) 11/12/21 14:49h team_kick GENSAN CLASH (16703364) / by MR. RIONE (16178793)