Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (1) Contacts & Buddies (0) Rating Gameaccounts History Falclone.MFS id: 13835323 created Platform action 28/06/19 00:44h first_login_default 28/06/19 00:45h join_team Deleted account (13835310) 03/08/19 23:42h join_team IGNITE (12993893) 04/08/19 00:00h team_kick Deleted account (13835310) / by Nelryo- (13531129) 21/10/19 11:28h team_kick IGNITE (12993893) / by Deleted account (12992417) 15/06/20 07:57h join_team Deleted account (15488720) 26/08/20 08:11h join_team Deleted account (16026491) 17/10/20 07:26h join_team The Mafias (16211074) 28/11/20 08:46h join_roster for team #16211074 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #20 North Division #216968 by #16211072 04/12/20 08:19h join_roster for team #16211074 in Six Invitational 2021 - APAC Qualifier #218120 by #16211072 05/12/20 09:47h join_roster for team #16211074 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #21 North Division #217256 by #16211072 18/10/21 01:53h join_team WuKon eSports (17308768) 20/10/21 14:42h join_roster for team #17308768 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #64 North Division #231009 by #12674472 13/09/22 09:58h join_team The Mafias (13065006) 15/09/22 01:30h join_roster for team #13065006 in ROG Masters APAC 2022 Rainbow 6 Open Qualifier SEA #241023 by #12128397