vR-_Tyraxes  id: 13908675
created Platform action
21/07/19 00:17h first_login_default 
21/07/19 00:20h join_team  Game of Dragons (Archonei) (13890381)
18/01/20 04:59h team_kick  Game of Dragons (Archonei) (13890381) / by marcic427 (11571185)
18/01/20 09:07h join_team  Game of Dragons (Archonei) (13890381)
19/03/20 09:43h team_kick  Game of Dragons (Archonei) (13890381) / by marcic427 (11571185)
19/03/20 09:53h join_team  Game of Dragons (Archonei) (13890381)
12/04/20 08:32h join_team  MonkeysWithWeapons (14696310)
13/04/20 14:06h leave_team  Game of Dragons (Archonei) (13890381)