iTz_-  id: 13980300
created Platform action
10/08/19 18:53h first_login_default 
10/08/19 18:56h join_team  NostraDamus (13880069)
31/01/20 19:45h join_team  THE TRINITY (14671600)
08/03/20 14:19h leave_team  THE TRINITY (14671600)
08/03/20 14:20h leave_team  NostraDamus (13880069)
09/03/20 16:19h join_team  TH3 TRINITY (13345975)
01/04/20 22:15h join_team  TH3 Animal House (15153693)
22/04/20 16:56h team_kick  TH3 Animal House (15153693) / by Deleted account (13584346)
27/05/20 08:35h team_kick  TH3 TRINITY (13345975) / by ThugNugget (13280938)
07/04/21 12:02h join_team  Dombie Zoom (16737598)