Game Blue  id: 14021434
created Platform action
17/08/19 21:58h first_login_default 
17/08/19 22:01h join_team  Deleted account (14000851)
23/08/19 18:37h team_kick  Deleted account (14000851) / by Jorgecokecoc (13779792)
17/09/19 15:49h join_team  Indispensables th12 (14061505)
06/10/19 21:57h join_team  Indispensables Red (14061504)
13/10/19 19:48h team_kick  Indispensables Red (14061504) / by Jorgecokecoc (13779792)
18/10/19 21:29h join_team  Indispensables Red (14061504)
03/11/19 21:13h team_kick  Indispensables Red (14061504) / by Jorgecokecoc (13779792)
04/11/19 10:06h join_team  Indispensables Red (14061504)
05/11/19 13:22h team_kick  Indispensables th12 (14061505) / by Jorgecokecoc (13779792)
05/11/19 17:19h join_team  Indispensables th12 (14061505)
11/11/19 13:53h team_kick  Indispensables Red (14061504) / by Jorgecokecoc (13779792)
18/11/19 15:13h join_team  Deleted account (14226585)
09/12/19 15:56h join_team  Team Desink (14438295)
19/01/20 16:14h join_team  Deleted account (14055083)
07/05/20 20:07h join_team  Brainwashers! (15521680)
15/06/20 07:54h join_team  RagnaRoc (15806738)
19/08/20 10:44h join_team  PX mythology (16047771)
24/08/20 19:51h join_team  Deleted account (16120542)
26/08/20 12:35h team_kick  Brainwashers! (15521680) / by Jorgecokecoc (13779792)
03/09/20 10:26h team_kick  PX mythology (16047771) / by juliancoc9 (16047893)
04/09/20 10:06h join_team  PX mythology (16047771)
07/09/20 11:22h join_team  PX mythology CWC (16153076)
01/10/20 03:46h team_kick  PX mythology (16047771) / by Javiii.Rm (13689924)
08/10/20 10:33h join_team  PX mythology (16047771)
15/10/20 12:24h team_kick  PX mythology (16047771) / by Jose-bein (11906723)
15/10/20 12:28h join_team  PX mythology (16047771)
11/11/20 14:00h team_kick  PX mythology (16047771) / by Jose-bein (11906723)
29/04/21 07:25h join_team  Ghost club (15761698)
29/04/21 10:28h join_team  GHOST CLUB (16717581)
22/07/21 18:07h leave_team  PX mythology CWC (16153076)
22/07/21 18:07h leave_team  RagnaRoc (15806738)
22/07/21 18:07h leave_team  Team Desink (14438295)
13/08/21 16:45h join_roster  for team #16717581 in Clash of Clans 5on5 Community Cup #2 August 2021 Latin America #228727 by #14048690
20/08/21 15:45h join_roster  for team #16717581 in Clash of Clans 5on5 Community Cup #3 August 2021 Latin America #228728 by #14048690
27/08/21 13:46h join_roster  for team #16717581 in Clash of Clans 5on5 Community Cup #4 August 2021 Latin America #228729 by #14048690
10/09/21 02:09h join_roster  for team #16717581 in Clash of Clans 5on5 Community Cup #2 September 2021 Latin America #229818 by #14048690
26/11/21 18:23h join_team  Costa Rica Fire (17403615)
10/12/21 15:09h join_team  Phoenix clash (17438305)