created | Platform | action |
18/08/19 16:38h | first_login_default | |
18/08/19 16:43h | join_team Deleted account (13948587) | |
18/08/19 19:36h | register_team Deleted account (14026795) | |
18/08/19 19:53h | register_team Deleted account (14026829) | |
22/12/19 16:48h | join_team Slap My Meat (13953589) | |
29/12/19 16:30h | team_kick Slap My Meat (13953589) / by Moneybagz (10441672) | |
28/03/20 18:00h | join_team The Kentucky Long (13838819) | |
04/04/20 00:27h | team_kick The Kentucky Long (13838819) / by Deleted account (12498129) | |
11/04/20 02:34h | join_team The Kentucky Long (13838819) | |
13/04/20 12:25h | team_kick The Kentucky Long (13838819) / by Deleted account (12498129) | |
19/04/20 16:08h | join_team Wii Remotes (15408061) |