Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (1) Contacts & Buddies (0) Rating Gameaccounts History Elected id: 14127461 created Platform action 15/09/19 20:56h first_login_default 07/11/19 20:58h register_team Deleted account (14301938) 07/11/19 20:59h register_team Deleted account (14301939) 14/11/19 21:51h register_team Deleted account (14338355) 07/12/19 20:48h join_team Team Qba (14331429) 14/01/20 08:32h leave_team Team Qba (14331429) 16/01/20 10:46h join_team Deleted account (14608962) 18/01/20 13:26h register_team Deleted account (14622246) 27/01/20 11:26h leave_team Deleted account (14608962) 27/01/20 11:26h join_team Arca united (14325770) 01/04/20 14:42h team_kick Arca united (14325770) / by Ocharelas (13280856) 19/05/20 15:22h join_team Deleted account (15528950) 14/06/20 13:08h team_kick Deleted account (15528950) / by Deleted account (13465359) 24/08/20 06:04h join_team Arca Latam (16042610) 14/12/20 11:35h leave_team Arca Latam (16042610) 01/04/21 21:34h join_team Deleted account (16714440) 02/04/21 14:15h register_team GHOST CLUB (16717581) 29/04/21 09:47h team_kick GHOST CLUB (16717581) / by Jesus op (14048690) 04/06/21 14:17h join_team GHOST CLUB (16717581) 14/07/21 18:45h join_team Ghost club (15761698) 22/07/21 02:49h team_kick Ghost club (15761698) / by Jesus op (14048690) 22/07/21 11:17h join_team Ghost club (15761698) 28/07/21 15:56h team_kick Ghost club (15761698) / by Jesus op (14048690) 13/08/21 16:45h join_roster for team #16717581 in Clash of Clans 5on5 Community Cup #2 August 2021 Latin America #228727 by #14048690 20/08/21 15:45h join_roster for team #16717581 in Clash of Clans 5on5 Community Cup #3 August 2021 Latin America #228728 by #14048690 27/08/21 13:46h join_roster for team #16717581 in Clash of Clans 5on5 Community Cup #4 August 2021 Latin America #228729 by #14048690 10/09/21 02:09h join_roster for team #16717581 in Clash of Clans 5on5 Community Cup #2 September 2021 Latin America #229818 by #14048690