Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (1) Contacts & Buddies (0) Rating Gameaccounts History DeathPacman id: 14227738 created Platform action 18/10/19 13:03h first_login_default 12/11/19 13:19h register_team Deleted account (14327817) 12/11/19 13:21h register_team ClashOfPacks (14327833) 20/01/20 16:29h register_team ClashOfPacks2 (14632029) 18/02/21 01:20h join_team Familia Clanera (16603742) 20/03/21 17:24h team_kick Familia Clanera (16603742) / by Ruben AC27 (13712354) 02/04/21 10:41h join_team LINZACOS LATAM (16706939) 28/07/21 14:27h join_team LBS E-SPORTS BLUE (17069603) 03/08/21 15:42h join_team LBS Esports Latam (17086627) 20/08/21 16:46h join_roster for team #17086627 in Clash of Clans 5on5 Community Cup #3 August 2021 Latin America #228728 by #16586806 27/08/21 18:02h join_roster for team #17086627 in Clash of Clans 5on5 Community Cup #4 August 2021 Latin America #228729 by #14587353 01/09/21 18:13h join_roster for team #17086627 in Clash of Clans 5on5 Community Cup Final August 2021 Latin America #228730 by #14587353 06/09/21 13:11h team_kick LBS Esports Latam (17086627) / by Oski linzacos (14587353) 06/09/21 13:34h join_team LBS Esports Latam (17086627) 10/09/21 00:48h register_team Clash Of Packs (17234512) 24/09/21 14:50h team_kick LBS Esports Latam (17086627) / by Oski linzacos (14587353) 24/09/21 15:27h join_team LBS Esports Latam (17086627) 08/10/21 09:26h join_team LBS E-sports (17021209)