MD. Rabiul 'Asterix' Hossain  id: 14290343
created Platform action
04/11/19 09:18h first_login_default 
04/11/19 09:18h join_team  Sabertooth Wolves (14275559)
04/11/19 09:26h join_roster  for team #14275559 in R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 India Series 2019 - Qualifier #2 - India #200912 by #14275517
27/05/20 07:52h team_kick  Sabertooth Wolves (14275559) / by Deleted account (14275517)
27/05/20 14:33h join_team  Red ViperZ BD (12974829)
29/05/20 05:44h join_team  Deleted account (15728083)
19/09/20 19:23h join_team  BOTS (14501807)
09/10/20 10:02h join_team  Deleted account (16235958)
13/10/20 06:12h team_kick  BOTS (14501807) / by Dhanu (13740312)
31/10/20 13:31h join_team  Deleted account (16112748)
01/11/20 05:11h join_team  Kabid and Sons (12014812)
02/11/20 09:41h team_kick  Red ViperZ BD (12974829) / by Andaconda (10522524)
07/11/20 23:31h join_roster  for team #16112748 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #14 South Asia #217231 by #13237248
21/11/20 09:12h team_kick  Deleted account (16235958) / by Andaconda (10522524)
21/11/20 23:46h join_team  Darkside ke bete (16318349)
27/11/20 07:24h join_roster  for team #16112748 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #17 South Asia #216970 by #13237248
02/12/20 14:38h join_roster  for team #12014812 in Six Invitational 2021 - APAC Qualifier #218120 by #11044254
04/12/20 14:02h join_roster  for team #16112748 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #18 South Asia #217259 by #13237248
19/12/20 08:38h join_roster  for team #16112748 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #19 South Asia #217569 by #13237248
16/01/21 09:08h join_roster  for team #16112748 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #21 South Asia #218221 by #13237248
06/02/21 16:17h join_roster  for team #16112748 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #24 South Asia #219441 by #13237248
13/02/21 09:48h join_roster  for team #12014812 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #25 South Asia #219772 by #13237248
20/02/21 13:30h join_team  Spidey and the Bois (16612913)
20/02/21 13:35h join_roster  for team #16612913 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #26 South Asia #220029 by #14488640
03/03/21 10:53h join_roster  for team #12014812 in Rainbow 6 APAC League 2021: South Asia Nationals Qualifier #1 #221789 by #13237248
21/03/21 16:03h join_roster  for team #12014812 in Rainbow 6 APAC League 2021: South Asia Nationals Qualifier #2 #221790 by #11044254
28/03/21 01:36h join_roster  for team #12014812 in Rainbow 6 APAC League 2021: South Asia Nationals Qualifier #3 #221791 by #11044254
28/03/21 01:36h join_roster  for team #12014812 in Rainbow 6 APAC League 2021: South Asia Nationals Qualifier #4 #221792 by #11044254
01/05/21 14:01h join_team  Console Warlords (16608283)
01/05/21 14:23h join_roster  for team #16608283 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #32 South Asia #222337 by #13237248
08/05/21 23:15h join_roster  for team #16608283 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #33 South Asia #222374 by #13237248
15/05/21 21:00h join_roster  for team #16608283 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #34 South Asia #224135 by #13237248
29/05/21 17:22h join_team  Luka Modrich (16921560)
29/05/21 21:02h join_roster  for team #16921560 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #36 South Asia #224806 by #10522524
05/06/21 06:15h join_roster  for team #16608283 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #37 South Asia #225079 by #13237248
08/06/21 08:09h join_roster  for team #12014812 in Rainbow 6 APAC League 2021: South Asia Nationals Qualifier #1 #225980 by #13237248
12/06/21 18:03h join_team  Team OG's (16898900)
12/06/21 18:08h join_roster  for team #16898900 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #38 South Asia #225325 by #16196070
15/06/21 10:55h join_roster  for team #12014812 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #39 South Asia #225524 by #13237248
26/06/21 21:31h join_roster  for team #12014812 in Rainbow 6 APAC League 2021: South Asia Nationals Qualifier #2 #225982 by #13237248
05/07/21 09:44h join_roster  for team #12014812 in Rainbow 6 APAC League 2021: South Asia Nationals Qualifier #3 #225983 by #13237248
24/07/21 12:05h join_team  Militant Esports (14488642)
24/07/21 12:08h join_team  Only Go4s (17059092)
24/07/21 12:20h join_roster  for team #17059092 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #40 South Asia #225712 by #14488640
31/07/21 12:49h join_roster  for team #17059092 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #41 South Asia #226057 by #14488640
07/08/21 14:52h join_roster  for team #17059092 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #42 South Asia #227854 by #14488640
14/08/21 15:32h join_roster  for team #17059092 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #43 South Asia #227980 by #14488640
21/08/21 10:46h join_roster  for team #17059092 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #44 South Asia #228640 by #14488640
24/09/21 08:45h team_kick  Militant Esports (14488642) / by KillSteal (14488640)
09/12/21 11:55h join_team  Sage Gamers Valiants (17310513)
09/12/21 23:19h join_roster  for team #17310513 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #55 South Asia #232642 by #13740312
15/09/22 11:39h join_team  Militant Esports (14488642)
16/09/22 01:04h join_roster  for team #14488642 in ROG Masters APAC 2022 Rainbow 6 Open Qualifier SA #241024 by #14303065