Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (2) Contacts & Buddies (0) Rating Gameaccounts History Serantes10 id: 14354044 created Platform action 17/11/19 18:12h first_login_default 17/11/19 18:31h register_team Deleted account (14354088) 03/02/20 08:55h register_team Deleted account (14683395) 05/02/20 13:08h register_team Deleted account (14696528) 30/10/20 12:38h register_team Wreck it 2 (16282287) 30/10/20 16:35h join_team Deleted account (16282537) 31/10/20 11:53h leave_team Wreck it 2 (16282287) 04/03/21 14:05h join_team Deleted account (16146702) 18/03/21 11:14h team_kick Deleted account (16146702) / by Jim (13299297) 31/03/21 13:22h register_team Deleted account (16707938) 31/03/21 13:25h register_team Deleted account (16707956) 31/03/21 13:31h leave_team Deleted account (16282537) 11/06/21 15:45h register_team Deleted account (16965304) 18/06/21 10:57h join_team Ghost Barcelo (16685614) 01/07/21 12:06h team_kick Ghost Barcelo (16685614) / by Jim (13299297) 22/07/21 12:08h join_team Ghost Barcelo (16685614) 22/07/21 17:10h join_team Cito E-Sport (16796141) 29/07/21 11:33h team_kick Ghost Barcelo (16685614) / by Jim (13299297) 30/07/21 15:55h join_team El Galponcito (16708508) 06/08/21 12:06h join_team Ghost Barcelo (16685614) 12/08/21 15:17h team_kick El Galponcito (16708508) / by Sir Matias (10286452) 20/08/21 12:18h join_team El Galponcito (16708508) 20/08/21 12:37h join_roster for team #16708508 in Clash of Clans 5on5 Community Cup #3 August 2021 Latin America #228728 by #16700561 27/08/21 15:46h join_roster for team #16708508 in Clash of Clans 5on5 Community Cup #4 August 2021 Latin America #228729 by #16700561 28/08/21 15:36h leave_team Ghost Barcelo (16685614) 01/09/21 11:38h join_roster for team #16708508 in Clash of Clans 5on5 Community Cup Final August 2021 Latin America #228730 by #10286452 04/11/21 21:19h join_team Latam Empire (17347090)