created | Platform | action |
24/09/05 06:41h | first_login | |
25/09/05 08:37h | join_team Deleted account (1191778) | |
04/10/05 03:20h | register_team Deleted account (1449088) | |
01/12/05 09:25h | join_team Deleted account (1538071) | |
21/02/06 14:11h | join_team Deleted account (1666358) | |
04/03/06 07:39h | team_kick Deleted account (1666358) / by Deleted account (33) | |
14/03/06 09:36h | join_team Magic Warriors (1716818) | |
15/06/06 10:16h | wanna_join_league Czech Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
17/06/06 15:51h | join_league Czech Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
20/06/06 11:00h | leave_league Czech Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
15/01/07 11:17h | team_kick Magic Warriors (1716818) | |
17/01/07 09:52h | join_team Deleted account (2250170) | |
26/01/07 11:04h | team_kick Deleted account (2250170) | |
30/01/07 14:50h | join_team Riders on the Storm o.s. (2267652) | |
22/03/07 05:12h | team_kick Riders on the Storm o.s. (2267652) | |
22/12/07 09:02h | register_team inteRaction.CoD4 (2920407) | |
13/05/08 08:51h | join_team teamname3126613 (3126613) | |
12/10/08 10:34h | join_team We Were Immortal COD4 (1778486) | |
04/11/08 16:08h | leave_team teamname3126613 (3126613) | |
04/11/08 16:10h | leave_team inteRaction.CoD4 (2920407) | |
29/08/09 06:54h | register_team SnoopY (4388830) | |
21/10/09 10:27h | first_login_esltv | |
21/03/10 12:21h | join_team CONFIS (4949161) | |
08/05/10 12:10h | join_team Deleted account (5057946) | |
19/05/10 17:39h | join_team Deleted account (5043755) | |
06/06/10 13:57h | team_kick Deleted account (5057946) / by Deleted account (2578356) | |
29/06/10 14:40h | join_team Deleted account (5156539) | |
11/11/10 03:49h | team_kick Deleted account (5043755) / by Deleted account (4591443) | |
10/01/11 15:49h | join_team MonsterS.css (5457153) | |
03/02/11 03:49h | join_team In Your Mind! (5637122) | |
12/03/11 13:12h | join_team unwanted name (5737207) | |
13/04/11 11:33h | team_kick MonsterS.css (5457153) / by Deleted account (4099887) | |
13/02/12 12:24h | join_team eEriness E-Blue (6620790) | |
11/05/12 12:31h | join_league Europe Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 Beta Key Raffle | |
22/09/12 06:07h | team_kick eEriness E-Blue (6620790) / by Bordel (2180746) | |
21/11/12 16:56h | join_team ZERIAKS (7259053) | |
20/12/12 09:03h | team_kick Deleted account (5156539) / by Deleted account (4042575) | |
02/02/13 09:40h | team_kick ZERIAKS (7259053) / by SAMONE (3833618) | |
14/03/13 17:01h | join_team ZERIAKS (7259053) | |
07/04/13 08:11h | join_team ZERIAKS (6416954) | |
21/04/13 07:40h | leave_team ZERIAKS (7259053) | |
21/04/13 07:40h | join_team eEriness E-Blue (6620790) | |
01/09/13 08:29h | join_team sixbaners CS:GO (7174401) | |
29/09/13 06:17h | team_kick sixbaners CS:GO (7174401) / by Deleted account (1699267) | |
14/10/13 17:20h | team_kick eEriness E-Blue (6620790) / by Bordel (2180746) | |
26/01/15 12:49h | join_team eEriness E-Blue (6620790) | |
26/01/15 12:53h | join_team inf (8872141) | |
19/04/15 07:51h | join_team Iron Branch (9055866) | |
13/04/19 07:16h | team_kick eEriness E-Blue (6620790) / by Bordel (2180746) |