Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (1) Contacts & Buddies (0) Rating Gameaccounts History Huntz id: 14539992 created Platform action 05/01/20 18:54h first_login_default 14/03/20 23:08h join_team Drama Indehoi (14106938) 04/05/20 06:17h join_team Syntax Team (15494815) 11/05/20 09:23h register_team Deleted account (15595008) 24/07/20 06:29h leave_team Syntax Team (15494815) 24/07/20 06:29h leave_team Drama Indehoi (14106938) 24/07/20 06:31h register_team BOS E-Sport (16016325) 28/11/20 05:33h join_roster for team #16016325 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #21 North Division #217256 by #15875858 28/11/20 05:33h join_roster for team #16016325 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #22 North Division #217567 by #15875858 28/11/20 05:33h join_roster for team #16016325 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #20 North Division #216968 by #15875858 02/12/20 12:06h join_roster for team #16016325 in Six Invitational 2021 - APAC Qualifier #218120 by #15875858 10/12/20 04:57h register_team Sweet Bakery (16401065) 31/01/21 00:21h join_team BOS NEOSTONE (16545182) 31/01/21 01:40h join_roster for team #16545182 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #26 North Division #219373 by #15445214 13/07/21 02:03h team_kick BOS E-Sport (16016325) / by dej0kerrr (15875858) 13/09/22 10:22h join_team The Mafias (13065006) 13/09/22 10:23h leave_team The Mafias (13065006)