Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (2) Contacts & Buddies (0) Rating Gameaccounts History Sebastian Piast id: 14785626 created Platform action 13/02/20 15:10h first_login_default 01/03/20 01:43h join_team Deleted account (14835288) 17/03/20 16:23h join_team Deleted account (14606499) 06/04/20 05:08h join_team Deleted account (15015752) 07/05/20 17:21h join_team power2014 (15531711) 03/07/20 15:25h team_kick Deleted account (14606499) / by Hulk (14607999) 09/07/20 16:05h join_team Deleted account (15954914) 10/07/20 15:35h leave_team Deleted account (14835288) 10/07/20 15:35h leave_team power2014 (15531711) 23/07/20 14:22h join_team Three point zero (13665790) 08/09/20 17:14h team_kick Deleted account (15015752) / by Tobi (6460080) 20/11/20 09:50h join_team Activit-E Belgium (16328754) 02/04/21 03:25h join_team Deleted account (16709224) 02/04/21 09:16h leave_team Three point zero (13665790) 02/04/21 09:16h leave_team Activit-E Belgium (16328754) 25/05/21 18:09h join_team K-arma Gaming (16743875) 26/05/21 12:49h join_roster for team #16743875 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #4 France #225322 by #16068918 27/05/21 11:34h join_roster for team #16743875 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #4 France #225322 by #16068918 03/06/21 12:54h join_roster for team #16743875 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #5 France #225654 by #16068918 09/06/21 09:16h team_kick K-arma Gaming (16743875) / by VaL (14305492) 29/07/21 09:09h join_team DefeatersOP (16709153) 28/08/21 12:36h leave_team DefeatersOP (16709153) 28/08/21 13:12h register_team Crazy Hunters (17158322) 29/08/21 11:42h register_team Deleted account (17160568) 11/01/22 15:28h join_team Millésime MG (17496994) 12/01/22 07:40h join_roster for team #17496994 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #15 France #234330 by #17479477 20/01/22 07:22h join_roster for team #17496994 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #16 France #234331 by #17479477 03/02/22 13:36h join_roster for team #17496994 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #18 France #235385 by #17479477 14/02/22 07:40h join_roster for team #17496994 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #20 France #235550 by #17479477 27/02/22 17:45h join_team Bushido Esport (17517362) 27/02/22 17:46h leave_team Millésime MG (17496994) 03/03/22 06:48h join_roster for team #17517362 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #22 France #236171 by #17826239 10/03/22 12:41h join_team Millésime MG (17496994) 10/03/22 14:03h join_roster for team #17496994 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #23 France #236172 by #17479477 06/04/22 04:07h register_team Eternal Dreamers (17529470) 19/07/22 15:48h team_kick Millésime MG (17496994) / by Z'h3ro (17479477) 21/10/22 06:02h join_team Savage Skull (17590750) 08/11/22 11:54h leave_team Savage Skull (17590750) 14/11/22 03:47h join_team GENSAN CLASH (17588090)