Wesley  id: 14810535
created Platform action
18/02/20 16:42h first_login_default 
18/02/20 16:43h join_team  Gaming Alliance Red (14810529)
03/03/20 12:47h join_team  Gaming Alliance (14866060)
02/08/20 09:53h join_team  mCon Rotterdam Black (16038719)
21/08/20 11:01h join_team  Pilsje Biertje (16110264)
15/01/21 09:04h join_team  Team Aero (16498186)
25/05/21 14:56h join_team  Join The Force (16909046)
25/05/21 15:16h join_roster  for team #16909046 in Intel World Open 2021 Rocket League Open Qualifier #1 Europe West #223572 by #11132633
10/06/21 11:37h team_kick  Join The Force (16909046) / by Owen_0546 (11132633)