PapiRoyal  id: 14814874
created Platform action
19/02/20 20:20h first_login_default 
19/02/20 20:20h join_team  Deleted account (14659674)
19/02/20 20:38h join_team  Deleted account (14814883)
20/02/20 01:24h join_team  DRMZ eSports (14815299)
13/03/20 20:34h join_team  Shadows of the Realm (14847722)
29/03/20 15:31h team_kick  Shadows of the Realm (14847722) / by koi (12848497)
20/09/20 17:50h join_team  Pop off E-sports (16178235)
11/10/20 13:15h join_team  Pop off E-sports gods squad (16242519)
15/11/20 12:18h join_team  DRMZ eSports (16321671)
06/12/20 16:56h register_team  Drmz (16386212)
02/09/21 19:48h team_kick  DRMZ eSports (14815299) / by yuxulu (14659667)