Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (1) Contacts & Buddies (0) Rating Gameaccounts History Leira id: 14880269 created Platform action 07/03/20 11:26h first_login_default 07/03/20 11:30h join_team The Coronas (14880282) 09/04/20 08:22h leave_team The Coronas (14880282) 31/08/20 08:14h join_team Deleted account (16114211) 14/02/21 07:46h join_team Team XcS (16595132) 14/02/21 07:48h team_kick Team XcS (16595132) / by Brigode (16115219) 14/02/21 07:52h join_team Team XcS (16595132) 28/03/21 00:47h join_team Jebus' Right Hand (16698386) 17/04/21 23:47h join_team foodpanda delivery (16339214) 17/04/21 23:55h join_roster for team #16339214 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #37 North Division #222765 by #16115219 18/04/21 01:07h team_kick foodpanda delivery (16339214) / by Brigode (16115219) 18/04/21 03:36h team_kick Jebus' Right Hand (16698386) / by Brigode (16115219) 24/04/21 23:56h register_team Deleted account (16815088) 24/04/21 23:59h join_team Getting SS'ed (13759706) 25/04/21 00:11h join_roster for team #16815088 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #39 North Division #223283 25/04/21 00:13h team_kick Getting SS'ed (13759706) / by pixou. (12957581) 29/04/21 07:41h team_kick Team XcS (16595132) / by Brigode (16115219) 29/04/21 07:41h join_team Team XcS (16595132) 29/04/21 07:50h left_roster for team #16815088 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #39 North Division #223283 29/04/21 07:50h join_roster for team #16595132 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #39 North Division #223283 15/05/21 09:29h register_team Deleted account (16872947) 15/05/21 23:06h join_roster for team #16872947 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #41 North Division #224133 05/06/21 09:04h join_team Jebus' Right Hand (16698386) 05/06/21 21:29h join_roster for team #16595132 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #44 North Division #225077 10/06/21 09:46h join_roster for team #16595132 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #45 North Division #225323 18/06/21 07:58h team_kick Jebus' Right Hand (16698386) / by Brigode (16115219) 01/10/21 04:56h team_kick Team XcS (16595132) / by Taunted (17097548)