AliveARG  id: 15004452
created Platform action
22/03/20 17:28h first_login_default 
22/03/20 17:28h register_team  Midnight (15004454)
26/09/20 21:54h join_team  EstrellitasDeMar (16207688)
23/11/20 20:05h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Paladins 1on1 Best of Lian Cup #96 LATAM
23/11/20 21:56h join_league  ESL Play Paladins 1on1 Best of Lian Cup #96 LATAM
01/12/20 00:01h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Paladins 1on1 Best of Maeve Cup #97 LATAM
01/12/20 14:24h join_league  ESL Play Paladins 1on1 Best of Maeve Cup #97 LATAM
02/04/21 00:09h register_team  losARG (16715260)
09/05/21 15:33h join_team  Legends of latam (16857800)