Tanyapot 'beagsoul' Eakwong  id: 15691660
created Platform action
23/05/20 16:18h first_login_default 
23/05/20 16:31h join_team  Deleted account (15691743)
23/05/20 16:35h join_team  Malformation. (14017628)
24/06/20 11:52h join_team  malee luk e mam (15483078)
26/06/20 20:11h team_kick  Malformation. (14017628) / by Domedominic (10087989)
26/09/20 01:27h join_team  Malformation. (14017628)
07/11/20 09:23h join_team  Run and Gun (13727569)
11/11/20 01:50h team_kick  Malformation. (14017628) / by Domedominic (10087989)
20/11/20 11:40h join_roster  for team #13727569 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #19 North Division #216908 by #13569008
28/11/20 10:25h join_roster  for team #13727569 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #20 North Division #216968 by #13569008
04/12/20 07:49h join_roster  for team #13727569 in Six Invitational 2021 - APAC Qualifier #218120 by #13569008
19/12/20 22:26h join_roster  for team #13727569 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #22 North Division #217567 by #13569008
07/01/21 10:57h team_kick  Run and Gun (13727569) / by Phenomenal.AST (13569008)
23/04/22 10:22h join_team  Aggressive party (17538326)