Gui  id: 15958829
created Platform action
10/07/20 17:54h first_login_default 
10/07/20 17:55h register_team  Deleted account (15958832)
26/08/20 19:46h register_team  Deleted account (16127189)
02/04/21 13:29h join_team  Warriors (16717383)
16/04/21 12:21h join_team  Mega Elite (16703815)
19/08/21 12:31h join_roster  for team #16703815 in Clash of Clans 5on5 Community Cup #3 August 2021 Latin America #228728 by #13447609
24/08/21 08:49h join_roster  for team #16703815 in Clash of Clans 5on5 Community Cup #4 August 2021 Latin America #228729 by #13447609