created | Platform | action |
02/09/20 16:47h | first_login_default | |
02/09/20 16:48h | join_team Aito Vareau (16146285) | |
02/09/20 17:39h | register_team Aito vareau (16146844) | |
29/11/21 09:55h | join_team Black Night (13726828) | |
08/12/21 16:54h | join_roster for team #13726828 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #10 France #233145 by #16349479 | |
05/01/22 10:25h | join_team Bushido VV (17403350) | |
06/01/22 11:31h | join_team Vae Victis 2 (17494204) | |
06/01/22 13:11h | join_roster for team #17403350 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #14 France #234329 by #14478373 | |
27/01/22 09:17h | join_roster for team #17403350 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #17 France #234332 by #14478373 | |
17/03/22 09:04h | team_kick Black Night (13726828) / by Scr0 (16291086) | |
16/10/22 16:57h | team_kick Bushido VV (17403350) / by GP-T-1-DURITE (14478373) |