W.Wallace  id: 16296169
created Platform action
05/11/20 13:25h first_login_default 
06/11/20 11:33h join_team  InvictuS th11 (16294305)
08/11/20 09:00h join_roster  for team #16294305 in Clash of Clans 5on5 Open Cup TH11 #2 France #216783 by #14114080
14/11/20 18:59h join_roster  for team #16294305 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH11 Cup #3 France #216784 by #14114080
21/11/20 16:30h join_roster  for team #16294305 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH11 Cup #4 France #216785 by #14114080
29/11/20 14:05h join_roster  for team #16294305 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH11 Cup #5 France #216786 by #16293729
06/12/20 15:24h join_roster  for team #16294305 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH11 Cup #6 France #216787 by #14114080
05/04/21 07:38h join_roster  for team #16294305 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH11 Cup #10 France #222817 by #14114080
19/04/21 09:50h join_roster  for team #16294305 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH11 Cup #11 France #223198 by #16293729
04/05/21 08:56h join_roster  for team #16294305 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH11 Cup #12 France #224357 by #14114080