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Hamadae  id: 16308710
created Platform action
10/11/20 11:48h first_login_default 
10/11/20 11:57h join_team  AITO ESL TH12 (16307861)
10/11/20 11:58h join_roster  for team #16307861 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH12 Cup #2 France #216791 by #16288610
11/11/20 14:35h join_roster  for team #16307861 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH12 Cup #3 France #216792 by #16288610
20/11/20 04:05h join_roster  for team #16307861 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH12 Cup #4 France #216793 by #14141869
05/12/20 10:14h join_roster  for team #16307861 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH12 Cup #6 France #216795 by #14141869
12/12/20 12:34h join_roster  for team #16307861 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH12 Cup #7 France #216797 by #14141869
20/12/20 11:08h team_kick  AITO ESL TH12 (16307861) / by didith26 (14141869)
21/12/20 13:32h join_team  Deleted account (16433162)
22/12/20 05:42h join_roster  for team #16433162 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH12 Cup #8 France #216798 by #16412859
28/12/20 12:22h join_roster  for team #16433162 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH12 Cup #9 France #216799 by #16412859
12/04/21 14:32h join_team  AITO ESL TH12 (16307861)
12/04/21 15:42h join_roster  for team #16307861 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH12 Cup #10 France #222816 by #14141869